Weak potency is the scourge of today's older men. This can be explained very simply - the effect of the pace of modern life, stress, urban fears, worries, overwork, lack of proper sleep. Both individually and in combination, each of these factors can lead to decreased potency.
Demand creates supply. There are various synthetic drugs that promise to restore erectile function within minutes. But such a result is fraught with many health problems in the future. Folk remedies to increase potency will also help in the treatment of male ailments. In addition, they are practically harmless and have a prolonged effect.
Folk methods for restoring potency
Folk remedies, tested by time, will help to strengthen male power, improve the quality and duration of the act of love and return joy to life. Even our ancestors used the generous gifts of nature for the treatment of sexual impotence, it is worth getting acquainted with the experience of generations in more detail.
Mainly for the quick recovery and strengthening of the reproductive function, various plants with exciting properties are used. These include the so-called natural aphrodisiacs: honey, aloe, ginseng, ginger, horseradish rhizomes and many others. They are effective when used separately and in combination with several ingredients.
As a rule, folk remedies used to prolong the time of intercourse and increase erectile function have a prolonged effect. That is, the result of their use does not appear immediately, but is present for a long time.
Great! Aphrodisiacs are also strong allergens. They should be used with extreme caution if there is a risk of developing allergic reactions. If any, even the most insignificant negative changes appear, the course of treatment should be interrupted.
Horseradish - the elixir of youth
Our ancestors knew exactly how to increase the power at home. Practically every house in the past prepared a special drink - horseradish, based on a common plant with the same name - ordinary horseradish. The recipe for this drink, which is beneficial for both male reproductive function and health in general, has not changed much over time.
Overall, there are two main recipes, each based on the use of almost identical ingredients. However, the taste of these drinks varies significantly due to the addition of various aromatic additives.
The most useful and popular recipe for horseradish based on the moon. But to prepare a natural remedy to increase erectile function quickly and effectively, you should use only high-quality moonshine. Otherwise, you will get a porridge that will have neither a pleasant taste nor useful properties.
- To prepare horseradish according to the first recipe, it is necessary to prepare half a liter of purified high-quality moonshine, a teaspoon of honey and five tablespoons of carefully chopped horseradish rhizome together with the stem. Mix the ingredients and leave for a week to infuse. Use as needed, one hour before intercourse.
- The drink prepared according to the second recipe has a pleasant taste and aroma. It is necessary to prepare the ingredients in analogy with the first recipe, however, some spices should be added to the final mixture (based on personal taste preferences), for example: cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, juice of two lemons and some cloves. Mix the ingredients, let it brew, take about an hour before meals.
If horseradish is used as a folk remedy to increase erectile function, it is necessary to take the drink daily, in the amount of one tablespoon per hour before the main meals.
Garlic to enhance activity
Garlic is a plant that is widely used both in cooking and in folk medicine. There are many recipes based on this fiery and lively root that help restore and enhance male strength. This is due to the following aspect: garlic improves blood circulation, thus preventing the formation of stagnation in the pelvic area and helping to increase blood flow to the genitals.
Garlic is used to increase potency both as a main ingredient in the preparation of various medicines and as an additive to dishes that have an exciting effect. Some non-traditional methods of treatment recommend the use of this burning plant, crushed into a paste, in the form of a compress or rub. Doing this is not worth it. Such a process can have a negative effect on skin tissues.
Advice! Garlic harvested in autumn and grown in natural conditions, without the use of chemical fertilizers, has the greatest effectiveness, including increasing erectile function in men.
Tinctures of garlic
To improve erectile function, as well as prevent impotence, you can use the following recipe for an effective garlic tincture. In addition to specific stimulating properties, such a drug also perfectly strengthens the immune system, removes decay products, toxins, toxins from the body and improves metabolic processes.
Place one kilogram of cleaned and carefully grated or chopped garlic in a clean jar or other glass container of three liters. Then pour the mass with clean or pre-boiled water. Wrap the container with a dense dark cloth or aluminum foil and leave it for at least ten days. It is necessary to take a medicine for men once a day, in the amount of a dessert spoon, one hour before a meal. To significantly increase the effectiveness of the recipe, you should dilute the tincture with a glass of warm milk and drink it quickly.
The recipe below is also effective for restoring strength and enhancing reproductive function in men. Pour ten cloves of garlic with a glass of high quality dry red wine and boil for 15 minutes. This kind of hot wine for men should be drunk in the amount of one teaspoon three times a day. The course of treatment is three days with a break of ten days. Take the tincture three times a month.
Physical exercises
Often, sexual impotence and a decrease in sexual desire are a consequence of the development of stagnation in the pelvic organs. This pathology can be due to the lack of regular intimate relationships, sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work.
In a word, to increase male strength, it is recommended to include moderate exercise in your daily schedule. It is not at all necessary to train every day in the gym, bringing the body to exhaustion. Overtiredness can also be one of the reasons for decreased erectile function in men.
In order to improve blood circulation and restore the processes of blood and lymph flow in the pelvic organs, it is enough to do every day, for example, walking or light jogging. There are also whole sets of exercises that help restore erectile function in men, provided they are performed regularly. They do not require much time and effort. It is enough to spend half an hour or an hour to keep the body in good shape.
Suggested Exercises
There are several basic exercises recommended to increase arousal and enhance erectile function in men. As the most effective, which prevent the development of stagnation in the pelvic organs, the following should be mentioned:
- Exercise to improve blood circulation in the pelvis. Starting position - lying on the floor, arms along the body. Slowly raise the pelvis, stretching all the muscles, then return to the starting position. You should not do the exercise quickly, the number of repetitions is at least 30.
- Walking or jogging in place is also an excellent remedy to prevent stagnation in the pelvic organs. A treadmill is ideal, but if you don't have one, you can just walk on the spot. At first, it is enough to do the exercise for twenty minutes. Later, you need to spend at least one hour training.
Great! Despite all the benefits of sports, it is recommended to first visit a doctor before doing regular training. Even moderate physical activity may well trigger an exacerbation of vascular and heart diseases.
Healthy lifestyle
It should be noted right away that no folk remedy for enhancing potency will have the right effect if a man leads an unhealthy lifestyle, for example, eats junk food, alcohol, takes synthetic drugs.
To strengthen erectile function, it is recommended to follow the right diet, as well as pay special attention to water procedures that help restore blood circulation and improve metabolism. This, for example, a contrast shower, a bath with herbs, the bath with cold water after visiting the steam room.
Proper nutrition
In order to quickly increase sexual arousal, restore potency and avoid problems with erectile function in men, it is recommended to pay attention to proper and healthy nutrition. It is recommended to regularly eat foods that have aphrodisiac properties. These are lean meats, seafood, ginger, garlic, spices, eggs, celery, leeks and more.
Also, we must not forget that it is necessary to eat only natural and high-quality food, while adhering to the fractional nutrition program. That is, you need to eat regularly, every hour or two, but in small amounts. The diet must be balanced. You should only eat dishes prepared at home. Ready-to-eat foods should not be eaten.
There are also other methods of restoring male potency. For example, swimming in open natural pools, visiting a steam bath, using stimulating aromatic oils, drinking aphrodisiac-based drinks. However, before taking any medicine, you should definitely pay attention to possible contraindications and restrictions to avoid possible harm to the body.
How and how to increase potency in men at home?
Violation of potency occurs in every third man after 40 years. How to increase power at home quickly and efficiently - this will be discussed in this article.

To increase the erection of men, you can take drugs. But you should first consult your doctor, as any drug has contraindications.
The main effect of the tablets is to restore blood circulation and blood flow to the penis. But even if a man does not have allergic manifestations, it is not recommended to take medicines on his own. Duration of administration and dosage are determined only by the doctor.
What does alternative medicine offer?

How to increase potency at home with the help of folk recipes? Many medicinal plants are able to quickly increase an erection in men. But they should also be used to restore the malfunction after consultation with a specialist. Herbs can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online.
To increase and increase activity, you should drink the following teas:
- 100 g of lemongrass pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, drink 3 times a day for 2 weeks, erection increases after 5 days.
- 150 grams of hawthorn pour 1. 5 liters of water, boil in a steam bath for 10 minutes, drink 5 times a day, increases erection after 2 days.
- 100 g of catuaba herb (a real herbal aphrodisiac) pour 300 ml of water, leave for 5 hours, take 40 minutes before sexual intercourse.
- 100 g of yohimbe (the plant is called the Viagra plant among healers), pour 150 ml of water, boil for 3 minutes, an increase in erection will occur 30 minutes after ingestion.
- 200 g of dried dubrovnik is poured into 1 liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for 1. 5-2 hours, taken 3-4 times a day.
- 100 g of dried coriander, pour boiling water over parsley, leave for 2-3 hours, take 100 ml per day.
- 150 g of crushed ginger root pour 300 ml of boiling water, drink instead of tea 5-6 times a day, the composition increases the strength in a day.
- 100 g of aloe juice, mixed with 1 large tbsp. parsley seeds, a mixture taken every day, 50-70 g, increases erection for 2 days.
Nutrition is important

The increase in potency directly depends on how well a man eats. It is often malnutrition that leads to dysfunction.
To improve and increase potency, a man should eat the following foods:
- parsley;
- celery;
- seafood;
- fish oil;
- chicken
- veal;
- beef liver;
- eggs;
- figs;
- bananas?
- persimmon;
- papaya;
- citrus.
Young people should not eat legumes, products containing soy, as they are saturated with phytoestrogens (female hormones) that suppress testosterone activity. This male hormone is responsible for erection and potency in men. Minimize consumption of alcoholic beverages, energy drinks. You should stop smoking completely.
Seafood restores male potency very well. These include crabs, oily fish, lobster, shrimp, mackerel. All these products contain omega acids essential for male potency. Their lack often causes dysfunction in men. You must eat them every day. But here you need to be very careful, because some people may be allergic to seafood. Therefore, before going on a diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
Physical exercises

Elevation of the male ego is carried out by physical exercises. A frequent cause of reduced potency is stagnation of blood in the prostate gland. This happens mainly in men who lead a sedentary life. In such cases, it is especially important to exercise at least 3 times a day. Simple exercises will help to quickly restore the male ego.
Exercises that help prolong and increase a man's potency:
- Steps in place. During the exercise, grasp the knees upwards as much as possible. Run for 10-15 minutes.
- Initial position - sitting. Tighten the buttocks, in such a way as if a man is trying to hold an object between them. Voltage must be present for at least 5 seconds.
- In the supine position, knees bent, feet on the floor. Raise and lower the pelvis. Perform 5-7 minutes. Exercise improves blood circulation, prevents blood stagnation in the prostate.
- Lying on back, knees bent, legs apart. Tighten the muscles between the anus and the scrotum. A very effective exercise for increasing strength.
- To perform the next exercise, you need to undress, squat, try to withdraw the scrotum as much as possible. Perform 5-7 minutes. Exercise improves microcirculation, blood flow to the penis.
- The familiar "bicycle" controller. Run within 2-3 minutes.
As you can see, to prolong male potency, you need to follow simple rules and proper diet. But men's health self-improvement may not always work. Therefore, experts do not recommend self-medication. It is better to go to the hospital and undergo a full examination. Such symptoms as a decrease in erection and potency can be a sign of quite serious diseases, one of which is prostate adenoma.
It is known that for all men, regardless of age, healthy sexual activity is in the foreground and, as a rule, every time gives an opportunity to confirm that he is a man. But there comes a time when the sexual functions begin to weaken, which leads not only to a sexual disorder, but also to a psychological one. Do not panic, but it is better to understand it and try to identify the cause of the disease yourself, and then choose the appropriate way to increase the power at home.
According to doctors, diseases that affect the decline of the body's sexual functions are diabetes, excess weight, heart disease, all kinds of stressful situations, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. Therefore, you must first of all give up all bad habits and start leading an active lifestyle, that is, accustom yourself to sports.
Currently, there are many different drugs that are used to stimulate potency, such as Viagra. But this is only a temporary solution to the problem and is not a cure. Men often try to keep everything a secret and are in no hurry to resort to the help of doctors. Rushing to look for various information about increasing potency, they do not always find correct and effective advice, which can lead to even more confusion in the body. But everything is not so bad, because folk remedies that have passed the test of time often become an excellent effective alternative to current medicine.
Folk remedies for a quick increase in potency
An excellent way to increase activity at home is to use natural coffee. You just need to drink coffee without abuse. An infusion of libertococcus and ginseng herb is also an excellent remedy. The application is carried out according to this course: for 28 days, starting with one drop in half a cup of water, the next day two drops, then three and so on up to 28 drops on the 28th day, every three months. Contraindications for people with cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.
Also, traditional medicine did not go through the treatment with water procedures. Two containers are filled with hot and cold water. Then, one by one, with an interval of 15 seconds, we immerse them first in hot and then in cold, doing the process for 30 minutes. It is necessary to do these actions for two weeks, once every three months.
For lovers of relaxing treatments, a bath with decoction of bay leaf or chamomile is suitable. The recipe is as follows: bay leaves or a chamomile flower are prepared, 50 grams per three liters of boiling water, infused for 15-20 minutes and poured into the bath. Take it for 30 minutes, at least every day.
Another good recipe is to take a bath with the addition of a decoction of pine cones and twigs. The cooking process is simple: the ingredients are poured with cold water and then boiled over low heat for half an hour. It is infused for 12 hours, with a tightly closed lid, after which it can be added to the bath.
A decoction of Dubrovnik herbs is popular in the treatment of potency. It is prepared at a ratio of 5 tablespoons of dried plant per cup of boiling water and infused for 45 minutes. Decoction is used: 3 to 4 times a day, 60 ml for two weeks.
A decoction of common reed has proven itself well. 20 g of crushed calamus roots, pour a glass of boiling water. Then, for 8 hours, it is steamed and applied inside, 30 ml, three times a day, before meals for 15 minutes. You can also chew the roots of reed in small portions.
Treatment of male condition with nettle has great benefit. The recipe includes nettle seeds, which you need to crush, mix with a glass of grape wine and add a spoonful of honey. Take every night before bed for 30 minutes. Cooking a salad with nettles and spring onions, with the addition of an egg, is also a great way to increase activity.
Using ginseng infused with alcohol for medicinal purposes is quite popular. The infusion is not only suitable for the treatment of activity, but also has a positive effect on strengthening the weakened body as a whole.
It's no secret that nutrition plays an important role in increasing potency in men.
- Protein and protein-containing foods are nuts, raw dairy products, fish meat and meat itself.
- Seafood, such as all crustaceans and kelp salad, are considered quite effective in increasing potency.
- Also, be sure to use the vitamins contained in fresh fruits and vegetables. In cooking, the obligatory addition of fresh herbs.
- The use of all kinds of spices, adding them to tea or coffee, which stimulate activity well.
- A proven way to increase activity at home is raw or boiled eggs, fried with onions or simply scrambled eggs.
- Dessert is honey with nuts.
Applying one, and preferably several in combination, of the presented recipes and with proper nutrition, you can safely start the fight against weakened potency and achieve positive results.